Examples of the development of Korea
in overseas textbooks

We introduce examples of the development of Korea
in overseas textbooks, such as the momentum
and process of the contents of the Korean development
and the explanation of Korea described in the textbook.


Starting with the Netherlands, many countries around the world, including the United States,
Ukraine, and Sri Lanka, recognized the value of Korea’s political and economic development
and began to include the contents in textbooks.

Korean embassy officials and overseas Koreans in each country constantly tried until
the information on Korea’s development was included in overseas textbooks.

Focusing on the case of Dutch textbooks, we introduce examples of Korean development
in textbooks.

Examples of ‘The development of Korea’ in Dutch textbooks

1. Explanation of Korea
as previously written
in a Dutch textbook

2. Process of containing
the explanation of the development
of Korea in the textbook

3. Examples of
the development of Korea
in Textbooks