The Development of Korea
in the World
The site introduces the Republic of Korea’s
economic and political development,
which has shown unprecedented development,
– and guides you on how to inform them in school classes.
Through the site, We hope that people around the world,
including overseas Koreans and Koreans, will know about
the development process of Korea and be interested
in the Republic of Korea.

Economic Development
The first country to give aid from a country
that received international aid
: Joining the OECD Development Assistance
Committee in 2009
that received international aid
: Joining the OECD Development Assistance
Committee in 2009
Among the countries that gained independence
after World War II, only Korea joined
the 20K-50M Club (2012) and
the 30K-50M Club (2013)
: 7th member of the club in the world

Political Development
A country that established democracy
in just a few decades
: EIU Statistics Criteria
“A complete democracy,”
“Democracy at the average level
of EU countries.“
* EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit):
Global Economic Analysis Agency affiliated with
the UK’s current affairs weekly <The Economist>
Global Economic Analysis Agency affiliated with
the UK’s current affairs weekly <The Economist>
Examples of ‘The development of Korea’ in Dutch textbooks

1. Explanation of Korea
as previously written
in a Dutch textbook

2. Process of containing
the explanation of the development
of Korea in the textbook