Examples of ‘The Development of Korea’
in Dutch textbooks

This chapter introduces the process of including
the development of Korea in Dutch textbooks.

3) Examples of the development of Korea
described in Dutch textbooks

As the results of the project “Inform the Republic of Korea in Dutch
Textbooks”, two of the three major textbook publishers in the
Netherlands (ThiemeMeulenhoff (TM) and Noordhoff) included
the contents of the development of Korea.
Along with textbooks, the history test for high school students
with the largest market share in the Netherlands also included
the contents of the development of Korea.

In the existing textbooks, Korea-related contents were described in
up to one page, and some textbooks had no Korea-related contents.

Since the implementation of the project, the development of Korea
has been positively introduced in up to six to seven pages in Dutch
history and geography textbooks, making significant achievements
both quantitative and qualitative.

In addition, Korea has become the country with the largest number
of explanatory pages among all countries introduced in the textbook.

Typically, in Dutch elementary geography textbooks, the Republic of
Korea was described as “A country where fish are prepped and sold
by cheap wages”, but after the additions of the development of Korea,
the explanation was revised to “The Republic of Korea is a rich
country that makes and exports high-tech smartphones and digital
In addition, the photos that describe the main images of the
Republic of Korea were changed from those of a fish market to those
of a researcher.
This clearly demonstrated that Korea is the most advanced country
among Asian countries and an exemplary country for other countries.

By actively addressing the Republic of Korea’s development in textbooks
published by two of the country’s major textbook publishers, especially
geography and history textbooks, which are essential subjects in the
Dutch secondary curriculum, many Dutch students were able to learn
about the Republic of Korea accurately.

<Examples included in Dutch textbooks>

TM Publishing's Geography Textbook for Primary School Students (Blue Planet) (2013.10.)

<Click the image>

Noordhoff Publishing's history exam book for high school students (2013.10.)

This exam book is a history exam book for high school students with the largest market share in the Netherlands.
The 2013 revision, which includes contents for Korean development, has been used in school classes since 2014-15.

Because Dutch high school students will not be granted diplomas if they fail the national graduation exam, this exam
book was a book for students to focus on.
In this respect, the fact that the development of Korea is included in the exam book shows meaningful results, such as
having a lot of influence on changing the image of the Republic of Korea that students had in their study process.

<Click the image>

TM Publishing's geography textbook for middle school students (second half of 2014)

<Click the image>

Noordhoff Publishing's geography textbook for middle school students (second half of 2014)

<Click the image>

Noordhoff Publishing's history textbook for middle school students (second half of 2014)

<Click the image>