Introducing ‘Development of Korea’ in textbooks

We introduce to you
the necessity of teaching about
and the expected impacts of including
the development of Korea in overseas textbooks.


The unprecedented development of Korea holds
significance in world history. 

The development of Korea can be a material that can
effectively elevate the awareness about Korea for
overseas Koreans – next generation overseas Koreans
in particular – and for people around the world 
who do not know well about Korea. 


Democracy and economic development are among
general criteria that shows the level of a country, and
they can be evaluated objectively through statistics.

Statistics related to politics and the economy of Korea
also clearly show that the process of development of
Korea is the first in the world, and that Korea is
among the ranks of developed countries when
compared with the whole world.

How do we tell people around the world and overseas Koreans
about the development of Korea?

There would be many ways, but among them, making use of
‘School education through textbooks’ is especially necessary.

A textbook is an educational book that explains knowledge,
technology and value that students need to learn based on
the curriculum, and its contents include that reflects on the
educational value that are pursued by the era and the society.

The youth in countries around the world, during the period of
forming their values and thoughts, learn about the world and
expand their outlook while attending classes at school in which
textbooks are used.

To that extent, the contents of a textbook play a crucial role in
forming students’ awareness.

Relatively recently, students in schools around the world
learn a variety of information about Korea, but in many places,
the kinds of information that are made to use when teaching
about Korea are limited to the Japanese Occupation Period and
the Korean War.

Such a curriculum only provides a fragmented image of Korea,
and prevents students from knowing properly about Korea.

In the midst of this situation, if the ‘development of Korea’
that is acknowledged by everyone is included in school
textbooks and taught during school lessons, a lot of things
will change in students’ thought processes.

What happens if the development of Korea is included in textbooks?


The success story of Korea will stimulate students’ curiosity, and help form a positive image about Korea. 

Interest in the development of Korea will be connected to interest about ‘Korea’ (e.g. Korean history, Korean culture),
so the students will study with heightened interest in Korea – this will also contribute to the phenomenon of
exporting Hallyu (the Korean Wave) or Korean goods.
Through the success story of Korea, the importance of the attitude of and education of people will be known, and
the student and the teacher will shape the future while setting up their values.